
Join our Community
of Verified Agents
and Real Estate Developers

Upload Properties and sell fast!

Effortlessly showcase your properties and accelerate sales on our platform. Streamline the selling process by uploading properties with ease, reaching potential buyers swiftly. Maximize your exposure and minimize selling time with our user-friendly upload feature.

About Uploading Properties on Shelter Verified.

Easily showcase your properties by logging in, clicking "upload property" and providing essential details as follows.

  • Complete Details: Provide accurate and comprehensive property information.
  • High-Quality Photos: Upload clear, appealing images to enhance your property listing.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your listings current with any changes to availability or property Details.
  • Responsive Communication: Respond Promptly to inquiries from interested parties.
  • Misleading information: Avoid exaggeration or misinformation in your property description.
  • Low-Quality Images: Steer clear of blurry or poorly lit Photos that could deter potential interest.
  • Hidden Costs: Disclose all associated costs to prevent misunderstandings with users.
  • Delayed Responses: Try to respond to inquiries in a timely manner to keep the communication active.
  • OverPricing: Be realistic with your property's pricing to attract genuine interest.

Boost your property's visibility with captivating photos. Your listing will be live in no time, connecting you with potential buyers effortlessly.

Registration Requirements


  • Full name
  • Email Address
  • National Identity Number (NIN)
  • Professional License

Real Estate Developer

  • Company Name
  • Email Address
  • Office Address
  • Company Registration Number (RC)
  • Professional License

Property Rating Criteria

Properties on Shelter Verified are evaluated based on five key criteria:

  • Location (30%): Proximity to amenities, safety, and neighborhood appeal.
  • Condition and Maintenance (25%): Overall state and aesthetic upkeep of the property.
  • Amenities(20%): Availability of essential facilities and additional features.
  • Value for Money(15%): Competitive pricing and perceived value.
  • User Reviews and Feedback(10%): Positive reviews and responsive interaction with users.

How to get Verified

Property Verification on Shelter Verified

Ensure the authenticity of your property listing on Shelter Verified through our straightforward verification process. Simply provide accurate details, upload supporting documents, and let our dedicated team swiftly authenticate your property. Gain a distinctive verification badge, enhancing your listing's credibility and instilling confidence in potential buyers or tenants. Elevate your property's trustworthiness with Shelter Verified's seamless and reliable verification.

Agent / Company Verification on Shelter Verified

Boost your professional presence on Shelter Verified through our streamlined agent/company verification process. Submit accurate information, including relevant certifications and credentials. Our dedicated team ensures a prompt review, granting a verification badge upon successful authentication. Stand out as a trusted agent or company, gaining credibility and fostering trust with clients on Shelter Verified

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Shelter Verified